What is PREP?

PREP stands for Parish Religious Education Program. The program runs from September to May, every Wednesday evening from 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm. The program is designed for children from grades 1 to 7 that attend the public or independent school system. It’s a seven-year program that prepares the children to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

What are the goals & objectives of PREP?

In our Parish Religious Education Program, we strive to respond to the mandate of Jesus who said “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19).

In the light of this mandate, it is obvious that the general goal of PREP is to foster discipleship and Christian living through more specific goals:

TO KNOW GOD: By imparting a knowledge of the faith will enable the student to respond to God’s call and thus enter into a personal relationship with God and the community.

TO LOVE GOD: By forming disciples of Christ who witness through their love of God, self and neighbour in their daily lives.

TO SERVE GOD: By fostering service of God and neighbour.

The PREP Team

Our team is made up of volunteers from within our church community at OLM, commissioned to teach the faith to our children as outlined by the Archdiocese of Vancouver.

As parents, you are the primary teachers of the faith. PREP calls you to walk the faith journey with your children.

For more information on how to register your child for PREP, please send an email to Marivic at
